
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Vera Luz is turning 1 this month

Vera will be one in 17 days? 
What happened to my baby?
 I have to be honest,,, been thinking about skipping the party and totally ignoring the fact that she is turning one ( sneaky mom) I think I need 12 more months to be ready to accept that she is growing faster than I imagined.

Here are a few of my favorite shots from last month (Valentine´s Day, 47 weeks)

Hey mama

Holy Eyelashes :-O

So just to fill you in ... Vera has been walking since 10 months and 1 week, we have been practicing BLW since 8.5 months (when she started on solids) and she is working on her 5th tooth, she is all smiles and I can already tell she is going to be a talker :-)  
Peek-a-boo is pretty awesome right now and I swear she is already starting to try on my clothes. They say your kids get their personality from their Grandparents, I agree,,, she definitely has her grandmas temper (let´s just say both so to not cause mayhem). 
She seems to be in such a hurry to grow up, during my pregnancy I heard someone say that the way you enter the world has a lot to do with who you are,,,and so far , true,,,she just won´t slow down for anyone  (bitter sweet) 
In essence, she is the sweetest little girl ever created and we love her to pieces  xoxoxoxo

I feel such a connection with her, I pray that we can have a genuine relationship and I can only hope to live my life as example worthy of her following.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Giveaway from Paxbaby

For all of my babywearing friends,,, here is the link to a giveaway by paxbaby carriers.

There are lots of fun stuff ; such as, a babywearing pendant, baby legs, and even A WOVEN WRAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Run over there and enter, it is so easy.  I especially love that you dont have to like a million fan pages !

Monday, June 11, 2012


2012 has been an eye opener, it is amazing how a different perspective allows you to see things in a different way.

Moments and memories that should bring joy are exchanged for the opposite.
People you love, enemies, they can switch places with just a blink of an eye.

Who can we trust ? I know I am not the only one who at times wants to just run away from the world, to just be able to forget the hurt.

It's so hard to forgive 7 x 70, like God wants us to. Or to forgive and forget, just like Him.

The truth is, we CANT trust anyone in this world. We can only trust God.

Phil. 4:6-9