
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Performed a Miracle :-)

And I have pictures to prove it !!!

I recently watched a tutorial on youtube from jenmarissa, showing how to make a laundry board.  At first I didn't take much interest in it, because I don't really have a laundry problem.  However; when I walked into my parents room and saw my Dad's dresser, I was reminded of his weakness... folding laundry and putting it away.

Almost immediately, her tutorial popped into my head.

So I made a laundry board, and I have to say...
I LOVE IT. I totally want to make one for our house when I get back.  I love how it makes everything the same size, and everything fits in your drawers just right.  It is easy to make and easier to use.

Here is the MIRACLE:
Before... I had already taken everything off of the top shelf.
 FYI: The top shelf alone was 2 black garbage bags full of shirts...WOW

After, I can hear Angels singing The Hallelujah Chorus :-)

So there you go, I am a laundry board convert.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for making me also a believer, and if I have to send for you everytime to add value to my life, then so be it. Love you Dad
